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A cold cold weather.

Dear God, today is a very very cold rainy day. I'm about to freeze like really. How God speaks to me. Dear God, Even in the valley of darkness Your Light  Heals It restores the  Peace that guards my heart, firmly and unwounded In Your Living Word as well. And the protection it gives  To safeguard my life From all roots of evil. You come to me like a soft gentle breeze Or A rushing wave of abundance and Wholeness that You have Deposited in me, my God of All good treasures. You are my greatest treasure; The Most High Ominipotent God, The Everlasting gift  to me That You are. Always will I seek You lovingly And yearnings of Your love For me. For what may come  Your assurance sure That we are placed in Your Everlasting arms Protecting us from deceit and Misery. You have given us a promise of Your Wholeness in Your Love that  Sustains us The Promise which also Grounds us to believe in each other In Your Everlasting Love And exalting the Promising Nature That You are  In our lives, Creat

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