Watercolour brush pens and paper stickers.

Cut-out DIY paper stickers.

These are the recent DIY paper sticker designs that i made, using the watercolour brush pens set that i bought today.
I drew them out and colour them with the brush pens. After which, i drew borders around the sticker designs to cut it out.

 Dear God, today's service is a good encounter with You. 

Even though loneliness may get the better of me, i hold on to Your Unfailing Love that knows no bounds. To say that You love me.

I feel rejected by people, but God, You are a God of all Hope and Love. You comfort me when i am down, broken hearted and hated.

I bought these watercolour brush pens that consists of 24 colours. Very colourful. I feel that i would get to enjoy these brush pens a lot a lot. They are like one of my comforts, nonetheless You are my Comforter of all troubles and afflictions.

All that You are my God, is more than sufficient to me. 

You are all that matters, my All Deserving and beautiful God.




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