Small daily doodles/drawings.

 Dear God, today is a tiring day. I'm not even working and I felt so tired after going to my grandma's funeral. Yup.

Sometimes, there are so much pain on this fallen world. But God, You are Good. A good good God.

I want to be alone spending Quality time with You, my First Love.

Way back home.

Sounds quite a nice song to hear. I like the lyrics..hmm.

God, I'm starting work soon, a new job that You've chosen for me. I pray that I will always rely on You in my workplace especially. Grant me Your wisdom to learn the skills and things right. I hope to improve as I go along with my work pace. Especially cashiering, I'm not so good. Yes I have to try, I have to learn. God help me in my weaknesses. I put my trust in You.

Thank you so much God, for this upcoming job. And yes, the company name is called Hokkaido Cheese Tarts at Parkway parade.

I surrender all of myself to You.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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